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3 Perfect Lipstick Shades For Winter

As much as I love fall, I’m feeling pretty ready for winter! This weekend I pulled out my puffy coats, snow boots and winter make up!

I think it’s really fun to switch up my make up every season, and the biggest change I make is to my lipstick. I tend to rotate between a few different lipsticks every season, opting for lighter colors in the summer and deeper, richer shades in the winter. I’m pretty picky with my lipsticks – I always choose ones that go on smoothly and also wear off nicely (since sometimes I forget to reapply haha!). Keep reading to see my top three colors for the season!

Beauty Products:

Lipstick #1: Lancome in Jezebel (191)

This is the pictured lip color. It’s much darker than any shades I’ve worn before, and I’m totally obsessed! I love how it makes the whole look pop, and it looks good with pretty much anything I’m wearing!

Lipstick #2 Fresh in Spice

I love this choice for a more neutral, rosy everyday tint. I keep this in my purse at all times, and it’s my go-to lip treatment (I use the petal color during the summer). I love that it’s buildable, so I can do one quick swipe if I want a little hydration and color, and can also add a few more layers for a stronger color.

Lipstick #3 Guerlain in No. 214

I’ve talked before about my love for Guerlain lipsticks here, and they are still a favorite! Guerlain lipsticks are actually what convinced me to start wearing lip color in the first place! They go on so evenly, and the color is really long-lasting. I really like that you can customize the case, so it’s super easy to tell which color I’m reaching for. This is a classic red that can honestly be worn year-round, but I’m really looking forward to applying it for Christmas parties!

I hope this helps you find the perfect winter shades to get you through this season with an extra touch of festive glamour!

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One Year Blog Anniversary & 6 Top Tips For New Bloggers

Oh wow, I’ve been thinking about this post since this summer, and it always felt so abstract! Then I looked at my calendar today and realized that just like that, it’s here! Exactly one year ago I hit publish on my first post, having no idea what I was doing. Let’s be honest – I still probably have no idea what I’m doing haha! But that’s part of the fun, and I’m really proud of how far I’ve come and how much I’ve learned! 

Well first of all, I have to start this post with a huge thank you to you, my readers! I am so grateful for every article you’ve read, every post you’ve shared, pin you’ve saved, and every comment/message you’ve sent. It seriously warms my heart, and makes every late night and early morning worth it.

Ok, on to the tips! I have learned soooo much in this first year. I started out not even knowing what I didn’t know, and certainly not knowing how to get where I wanted to be. While I hardly have all the answers yet (what fun would that be, anyway!), I get a lot of people asking for tips and tricks for starting their blog. What better time than my one-year anniversary to share some of what I’ve learned!

1. Don’t Let Naysayers Bother You

This was really, truly, a difficult lesson for me. Hitting publish on those first few blog posts made my heart pitter patter out of control. I wanted my content to be well received and enjoyed, and I didn’t want to be made fun of because I was trying something a little out of the box. And you know what? Some comments did make their way back to me, but it helped me come to an important realization. When someone has icky things to say, it’s a reflection on them. Not you. If you have a dream, no matter what it is, don’t for one second let anyone else get in the way of it.

2. One Thing At A Time

When you start dipping your toe into the humongous infinity pool that is blogging, it can be so overwhelming! Every time you turn around you learn about some other thing that you’re not doing that’s apparently critical to success. It’s pretty easy to let that stress you out, because there is A LOT in the behind the scenes of your blog that you never knew existed, and only 24 hours in the day! So just identify one thing you want to learn that week, month whatever. When you’ve mastered that skill and it’s second nature, it will be easy enough to start working on the next task. I keep a biiiiiig list of all the things I would be doing on my blog in my dream world, and that way I can keep my eye on the prize and always keep moving in the right direction.

3. Invest In A Nice Camera

Buying my Canon DSLR is one of the best things I did for myself and my blog this year. You can take nice photos with your iPhone, but in such a visually focused industry, a nice camera is a must to take your blog to the next level. In a similar vein, I’m really glad I also invested in photography lessons. I had never used a DSLR before, and was totally intimidated. Now I will never take my camera off of manual!

4. Set Realistic Goals

Ok, I’m actually still trying to work on this one! So do as I say, not as I do haha! I’m impatient, want huge success yesterday, and set really ambitious goals for myself. The problem is that then when I don’t achieve them, it makes me lose sight of the fact that I actually accomplished a lot! Sit down and really think about what you can realistically accomplish in a week, month, year, whatever. You can always reevaluate if you’re amazing and leave your original goals in the dust!

5. Stay Authentic

Be yourself, and don’t try to imitate anyone else. I think people can really sense authenticity, and it’s the “it factor” that makes me excited to follow and connect with new bloggers everyday. This one also comes down to why you’re starting a blog in the first place. Share about the things that really genuinely excite you, and your readers will be able to sense that.

6. Just Do It

Not everything needs to be, or will be, perfect. Want to start a blog? Just do it! Trying something new can be scary and overwhelming, but that’s how we learn and grow, right? Don’t spend your life having a clear idea of what you want to do, but never hitting play on your own story. You only live once!

Now it’s time to pop the bubbly (or my new favorite rosé!), celebrate a fun first year, and toast to the year ahead! Cheers!

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5 Cold Weather Skincare Mistakes To Avoid

It’s November, and cold-weather months are just around the corner! If you’re from a part of the world that experiences freezing cold temperatures, you know that the change in climate can wreck havoc on otherwise happy skin. Today I’m sharing the biggest skincare mistakes to avoid this winter, and hope it helps prepare you and your skin for the frigid temps ahead!

Mistake Number 1: Skipping Your Humidifier

The biggest complaint people have about their skin in the colder months is dry, itchy and sometimes even cracking skin, which is caused from the lack of moisture in the air. Adding a humidifier to your winter routine is a great way to combat the dryness. You can even just keep it running in your bedroom at night – that’s enough to make a world of difference.

Mistake Number 2: Continuing With Your Usual Skincare Routine

Since your skin is begging for extra moisture this time of year, your normal skincare routine just isn’t going to cut it! Adding a moisture-rich face wash, like this Luminous Cleanser Balm, will help keep your face clean and clear, and will also replenish moisture to your skin. By the way, as someone with combination skin I always used to confuse moisture with oil. This face wash won’t add oil to your skin, if you’re worried about that like me. It’s just gentle and doesn’t strip your skin like other cleansers. Every evening before bed, I also add this Hydralift Moisturizer. It feels super light going on, but true to its name, this cream packs a much-needed moisture punch. This cream is powered with hyaluronic acid, which draws moisture from the air and seals it into the skin. It doesn’t get better than that!

Mistake Number 3: Taking Hot Showers and Baths

Oh man, this one is so hard for me! I love soaking in a hot bath with a nice glass of wine after a long day. How do you know it’s too hot? If you start to sweat at all, it’s too warm. Another trick is to use a body oil like coconut oil on your skin before stepping into the warm water. This helps to create a protective barrier for your skin.

Mistake Number 4: Forgetting To Drink Water

This is the skincare mistake that I’m most guilty of! In the summer months when it’s hot, it’s a lot easier for me to remember that I need to hydrate myself. But in the winter I’m way more likely to forget. If you’re dehydrated, your skin will pay a high price. If you’re noticing that your lips are chapped, for example, that’s a key sign that you need to up your water game. I like to sip on hot cups of herbal tea while I work, and also keep a water bottle with me in the car. If your lips are already chapped, try this Smooth Beauty Balm to remedy the situation fast. I keep this on my bedside table and rub a little in at night, waking up to happy lips every morning! Also if you or anyone in your family gets dry skin around their nose from those pesky winter sniffles, I’ve heard this balm works wonders! 

Mistake Number Five: Neglecting Your Body Cream
I actually don’t use any body creams or lotions most of the year, unless I notice that my skin is feeling a little dry or right after I shave my legs. But in the winter months, added moisture to all of my skin is a major must. I can actually tell when it’s time to make the switch, because my hands will start to get dry and flaky. No good! I love this Lavish Body Cream because a little goes a long way, and I know it will last me the whole season. Also it smells like a lemon cupcake. I’m all for any added bonuses!

Interested in learning more about these, or other Ever products? You can join the group I’m part of here!

Want to remember these tips for later? Make sure to pin this article below!

My Thoughts on Living in an #InstaPerfect World

Good morning, and happy Monday! In my past year of blogging, I’ve heard a lot of comments about Instagram and the glory reel. I’ve even read articles linking social media to increased rates of anxiety and depression. I think Instagram is a wonderful space where we can connect, grow and inspire each other. But it’s always important, whether we’re flipping through a magazine or scrolling our news feeds to approach media with context. If any form of media has ever left you feeling like you are not enough, read on! I hope that by sharing these thoughts and reminders, I can lend a little more positivity and light into your next experience. So today I’m sharing some quick thoughts on living in an Insta-perfect world from a blogger/influencer perspective.

Blogs Are The New Magazine 

As we move further into the online age, I can guarantee you that magazines will eventually move to be completely digital, and there won’t be much of a difference between a well-run magazine and a well-run blog. Like magazines, a lot of time, energy and preparation goes into blog photos. You wouldn’t read a magazine and think that the models in those photos always look like that, so don’t let yourself think that about any kind of Instagram influencer either. It’s the exact same thing, just a different platform.

Nobody Lives In A Pinterest Board 

Have you ever followed someone on Instagram and thought that they are just perfect? Always looking cute, living in a perfect house with perfect children and a perfect husband? As silly as it can seem when you say it out-loud, sometimes I’ve started to think that about people I follow! But nobody lives in a Pinterest board. We all have bad hair days, hide from our children in the bathroom (No? Just me?), and have never-ending house projects. Everyone’s human, and life is a joke if we all pretend we’re perfect all the time.

Inspiration, Not Shame

Instagram is a place for inspiration, not for shame. Nobody, whether they’re your friend in real life, an editor of your favorite magazine, or a blogger, should make you feel like you are not good enough. If anyone you follow (in any sense of the word) makes you feel badly about yourself, unfollow them right now! None of us have time for that in our lives! The only exception is if those bad feelings are coming from a place of jealousy. If you feel jealous of someone, re-harness that into self-motivation. Never tie your self-worth to anyone except yourself. We’ve all heard it before, right? Comparison is the thief of joy. We can only compare ourselves to our former selves, take an honest look inward, and then make the critical moves needed to elevate us to our idea future selves. Measuring our self=worth based on those around us, physical or virtual, is a self-destructive path. You are entirely up to you. If you see something that you want to achieve in life, just do it. You’re the only one with that power.

The entire goal of my platform on This Celebrated Life is to empower, inspire and uplift you. I love sharing my new recipes with you. Fun trips with you. Personal style with you. I love sharing my life with you, and am so thankful that you’re following along! But it’s full of ups and downs and is nowhere near perfect. Nobody’s life is anywhere near perfect. We all just need to remember that.

Want to stay connected? You can find me on Instagram here, Facebook here, and Pinterest here!

The Biggest Secret To Wearing Dresses All Year Long

Outfit Details: 

We’re over halfway through October now, and there’s no doubt that we’re full into fall, and full into cooler temps! Often the change of season inspires people to switch out their dresses for sweaters and pants, but you certainly don’t have to! So don’t hang up our dresses quite yet – today I’m sharing how I wear my dresses through all four seasons.

The biggest secret to wearing dresses year-round without freezing, is tights! If you’ve never tried this trick before, you might be rolling your eyes. But not only do tights allow you dress up your outfit with new colors and textures (like these fun burgundy ones!), they also provide an astonishing layer of warmth!

There are of course about a million different pairs of tights out there, all of which vary in thickness and therefore warmth. I love these tights for fall, because they’re thin enough to wear under practically any dress, but thick enough to keep my legs toasty warm! The Goldilocks of tights!

If you’re ready to hold on to your dresses and style them up for fall, I’ve rounded up some of my favorites below! 
These classic black tights are designed specifically for cold weather, and keeping warmth in! 

How beautiful are these lace tights? I love how feminine they are! They probably wouldn’t keep you warm in sub-zero temps, but I might be willing to risk it for Christmas Eve!

The total winter tight winner? These fleece lined tights! They’re sure to keep you super warm and cozy all winter long!

This Celebrated Life